Web5star.net.au Hosting Plan Order

Thank you for ordering a Web5star hosting package.  Please fill out the form below.  For fast processing you can use either our secure on-line Credit Card payment facility or our secure Paypal facility. Alternatively, you can post to us your credit card (Mastercard or VISA) details. In this case please print the Order Form and the Payment Advice Form and post them to us.  We will have your account up soon after these documents are received and the details and payment have been cleared. 

Please note that your initial payment is due at the time your account is set up, so if you are posting the Order form, the Payment Advice form must accompany this Order.  The initial payment for each type of account is shown below:

Initial Payment - US based Server
Hosting Plan Name

Fees First Quarter
AU$ (GST included)

Fees First Year
AU$ (GST included)
Special Discount applied

Hello World $    89.00
Personal Advantage $   47.85 $  143.55
Business Domination $  71.85 $  215.55
Corporate Supremacy $  98.85 $  296.55
Initial Payment - AU based Server
Hosting Plan Name

Fees First Quarter
AU$ (GST included)

Fees First Year
AU$ (GST included)

Hello World $   59.70 $  199.00
Personal Advantage $   98.85 $  329.50
Business Domination $  134.85 $  449.50
Corporate Supremacy $  191.85 $  639.50

Please note that our billing cycle is quarterly in advance, except for our Hello World (US based Server), unless you are paying on an annual basis.

Hosting Plan
Plan Name*: Amount:
Enter AU$ with dec period
eg. 118.80
Domain name*: Is this: A new domain (not yet registered) ?
An existing domain ?
FrontPage: Do you want the FrontPage Server Extensions installed? Yes No How did you find us?



Your First Name *: Your Last Name *:
Business Name (if any): Business type:
Street Address/ PO Box*: Address - line 2:
City *: State*:
Postcode *: Country *:
Contact Phone:

Email Address*:

I have read and I agree with the web5star.net Terms and Conditions   * click on checkbox
*means required information

For on-line payment first click on this button to

To Mail your payment, PRINT this form now - then click here to get the Payment Advice Form.